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Apple, M. (2000). The text and cultural politics. Educational Researcher, 21 (7), 4-11, 19.

Apple, M. (1990). The hidden curriculum and the nature of conflict. In Apple, M., Ideology and curriculum (pp. 82-104). New York: Routledge.
In Print: HIL-STACKS LC191.4 .A66 1990

Apple, M., & King, N. (1990). Economics and control in everyday school life. In Apple, M., Ideology and curriculum (pp. 43-60). New York: Routledge.
In Print: HIL-STACKS LC191.4 .A66 1990

Bissoondath, N. (1994). The simplification of culture & The limits of diversity. In Bissoondath, N., Selling illusions: The cult of multiculturalism in Canada (pp. 72-83 & 132-139). Toronto: Penguin.
In Print: HIL-STACKS FC105 .M8 B57 1994

Castagano, A.E. (2009). Making sense of multicultural education: A synthesis of the various typologies found in the literature. Multicultural Perspectives, 11 (1), 43-48.

Darder, A. (1991). The link between culture and power. In Darder, A., Culture and power in the classroom: A critical foundation for bicultural education (pp. 25-25). New York: Bergin & Garvey.
In Print: HIL-STACKS LC1099.3 .D37 1991

DiAngelo, R., & Sensoy, O. (2010). “OK, I get it! Now tell me how to do it!” Why we can’t just tell you how to do critical multicultural education. Multicultural Perspectives, 12 (2), 97-102.

Gorski, P.C. (2008). Good intentions are not enough: A decolonizing intercultural education. Intercultural Education, 19 (6), 515-525.

Henderson, L. (1996). Instructional design of interactive multimedia: A cultural critique. Educational Technology Research and Development, 44 (4), 85-104.

Hewling, A. (2009). Technology as a ‘cultural player’ in online learning environments. In R. Goodfellow & M. Lamy (Eds.), Learning cultures in online education (pp. 113-130). New York: Continuum.

Hofstede, G. (1986). Cultural differences in teaching and learning. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10 , 301-320.

Hytten, K. (1999). The promise of cultural studies of education. Educational Theory, 49 (4), 527-543.
InPrint: HIL-STACKS L11 .E5135 v.49 1999

Jay, M. (2003). Critical race theory, multicultural education, and the hidden curriculum of hegemony. Multicultural Perspectives, 5 (4), 3-9.

Lee, C (2003). Toward a framework for culturally responsive design in multimedia computer environments: Cultural modeling as a case. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 10 (1), 42-61.

Lorimer, R., & Keeney, P. (1989). Defining the curriculum: The role of the multinational textbook in Canada. In S. de Castell, A. Luke, & C. Luke (Eds.), Language, authority, and criticism: Readings on the school textbook (pp, 170-183). London: The Falmer Press.
InPrint: HIL-STACKS LB3045 .L36 1989

McLoughlin, C., & Oliver, R. (2000). Designing learning environments for cultural inclusivity: A case study of indigenous online learning at tertiary level. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1), 58-72.

McAnany, D. (2009). Monkeys on the screen. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 35 (1).

Miner, H. (1956). Body ritual among the Nacirema. American Anthropologist, 58 (3), 503-507.

Parrish, P., & Liner-VanBerschot, J.A. (2010). Cultural dimensions of learning: Addressing the challenges of multicultural education. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 11 (2), 1-19.

Ravitch, D. (2003). Forbidden topics, forbidden words & The new meaning of bias. In Ravitch, D. , The language police (pp. 3-30). New York: Vintage.
InPrint: HIL-STACKS LB3045.7 .R38 2004

Sakurai, J.M. (2002, July 1). Foreign faux pas: Culture—the final barrier to going global. Spectroscopy.

Sambell, K., & McDowell, L. (1998). The construction of the hidden curriculum: Messages and meanings in the assessment of student learning. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 23 (4), 391-402.

Scherr, A. (2007). Schools and cultural difference. In H. Kotthoff, H. Spencer-Oatey (Eds.), Handbook of Intercultural Communication (pp. 303-322). New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
InPrint: HIL-STACKS P94.6 .H356 2007

Schoorman, D., & Bogotch, I. (2010). Moving beyond “diversity” to “social justice”: The challenge to reconceptualize multicultural education. Intercultural Education, 21 (1), 79-85.

Scollon, R., & Scollon, S.W. (1995). What is culture? Intercultural communication and stereotyping. In Scollon & Scollon, Intercultural communication (pp. 122-163). Oxford: Blackwell.
InPrint: HIL-STACKS P94.6 .S36 1994

Thomas, M., Mitchell, M. & Joseph, R. (2002). The third dimension of ADDIE: A cultural embrace. TechTrends, 46 (2) 40-45.

Wlodkowsi, R., & Ginsberg, M.B. (1995, September). A framework for culturally responsive teaching. Educational Leadership, pp. 17-21.

Young, P.A. (2008). Integrating culture in the design of ICTs. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39 (1), 6-17.


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