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Vietnam War HIST4452 (FR) Guide Ask Us

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Reference Sources


When researching a new topic it is often necessary to get an overview, explanations of unfamiliar terms, or brief factual information. The print and electronic resources listed below include selected reference materials (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, handbooks, guides, and standards) for a study of the Vietnam War. To find additional reference materials, check UNB WorldCat (the library catalogue) or our Reference Materials database. For a quick search through the Reference collection, try the Reference Universe search box, here:


Key Resources

  • A Companion to the Vietnam War
    This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
    Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
  • Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War : a political, social, and military history [HIL-REF DS557.7 .E53 2011]

    Contains over 1,000 entries discussing political, social, and military aspects of the Vietnam War. Includes maps, black-and-white photographs, a broad overview of the war, a chronology, a glossary, and primary source documents.

  • Historical dictionary of Vietnam
    see also [HIL-REF DS556.25 .D85 2006]

    "Vietnam became part of French Indochina in 1887 and did not regain independence until after the Vietnam War. Despite relative peace for two decades, the country has experienced little economic growth because of conservative leadership policies. In an effort to end this stagnation, Vietnamese authorities have committed to economic liberalization and enacted structural reforms to modernize the economy and produce more competitive, export-driven industries." "This third edition of Historical Dictionary of Vietnam focuses on the recent changes and leadership of Vietnam and addresses the earlier kingdoms, the period of French Indochina, the wars for liberation, the Vietnam War, and much more. Hundreds of cross-referenced entries are included on political, economic, social, and cultural aspects, as well as the major cities and geographic features. This book also contains a chronology, an introduction that traces Vietnam's history, and a bibliography."--Jacket.

  • American national biography [HIL-REF CT213 .A68 1999]
  • Keesing's contemporary archives [HIL-REF D410 .K4 v.32 1986]

    Textual holdings: v. 1 1931/34-v. 32 1986

  • Dictionary of American History [HIL-REF E174 .D52 2003 vols. 1-10]

    This 2003 edition contains 4,400 articles, 1,200 photos, and 252 maps and includes 8,940 new topics and 1,400 rewritten articles. These cross-listed and newly-illustrated entries of 100-8,000 words are aimed at college students and reach into the future with a 1500-word essay on "9/11." Volume nine, a wonderful addition, contains archival maps and primary documents (with introductions) such as the anonymous story (c. 1745) of the league of five nations (Cayugas, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Senecas); an excerpt from Francis Grund's (1837); and Henry Ford's "Advice to the Unemployed in the Great Depression" (1932). Volume nine's other distinctive feature is a division of the into chronological chunks that correlate entries, maps, and documents with relevant chapters in three Wadsworth textbooks: (2000), (2001); and (2002). A six-page guide provides tips on historical research. The over 2000 contributors are from American academies. One caution: the dictionary does not contain biographical entries. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ( Distributed by Syndetic Solutions, Inc.

  • Encyclopedia USA : the encyclopedia of the United States of America, past & present [HIL-REF E174 .E52 vols. 1-18]
  • Propaganda and mass persuasion : a historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present [HIL-REF HM1231 .C85 2003]

    A truly international, authoritative A-Z guide to five centuries of propaganda, in both wartime and peacetime, which covers key moments, techniques, concepts, and some of the most influential propagandists in history.

  • The New York Public Library American history desk reference [HIL-REF E174 .N48 1997]

    Here is the comprehensive yet quick-answer guide to one of the most popular topics in home reference: American history. With succinct, clearly written topical overviews, timelines, and capsule biographies, accompanied by sidebars and illustrations, this single volume incorporates all major events and contributions from the earliest inhabitants of North America to the present age. 90 illustrations. 10 maps. Distributed by Syndetic Solutions, Inc.

Additional Resources

  • Oxford Companion to United States History
    see also [HIL-REF E174 .O94 2001 ]

    Here is a volume that is as big and as varied as the nation it portrays. With over 1,400 entries written by some 900 historians and other scholars, it illuminates not only America's political, diplomatic, and military history, but also social, cultural, and intellectual trends; science, technology, and medicine; the arts; and religion.Here are the familiar political heroes, from George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, to Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. But here, too, are scientists, writers, radicals, sports figures, and religious leaders, with incisive portraits of such varied individuals as Thomas Edison and Eli Whitney, Babe Ruth and Muhammed Ali, Black Elk and Crazy Horse, Margaret Fuller, Emma Goldman, and Marian Anderson, even Al Capone and Jesse James. The Companion illuminates events that have shaped the nation (the Great Awakening, Bunker Hill, Wounded Knee, the Vietnam War); major Supreme Court decisions (Marbury v. Madison, Roe v. Wade); landmark legislation (the Fugitive Slave Law, the Pure Food and Drug Act); social movements (Suffrage, Civil Rights); influential books (The Jungle, Uncle Tom's Cabin); ideologies (conservatism, liberalism, Social Darwinism); even natural disasters and iconic sites (the Chicago Fire, the Johnstown Flood, Niagara Falls, the Lincoln Memorial). Here too is the nation's social and cultural history, from Films, Football, and the 4-H Club, to Immigration, Courtship and Dating, Marriage and Divorce, and Death and Dying. Extensive multi-part entries cover such key topics as the Civil War, Indian History and Culture, Slavery, and the Federal Government.A new volume for a new century, The Oxford Companion to United States History covers everything from Jamestown and the Puritans to the Human Genome Project and the Internet--from Columbus to Clinton. Written in clear, graceful prose for researchers, browsers, and general readers alike, this is the volume that addresses the totality of the American experience, its triumphs and heroes as well as its tragedies and darker moments. Distributed by Syndetic Solutions, Inc.

  • The Reader's companion to American history [HIL-REF E174 .R43 1991]

    The Reader's Companion to American History offers a fresh, absorbing portrait of the United States from the origins of its native peoples to the nation's complex identity in the 1990s. Covering political, economic, cultural, and social history, and combining hundreds of short descriptive entries with longer evaluative articles, the encyclopedia is informative, engaging, and a pleasure to read. The Reader's Companion is sponsored by the Society of American Historians, an organization dedicated to promoting literary excellence in the writing of biography and history. Under the editorship of the eminent historians John A. Garraty and Eric Foner, a large and distinguished group of scholars, biographers, and journalists -- nearly four hundred contemporary authorities -- illuminate the critical events, issues, and individuals that have shaped our past. More than a reference book to be consulted simply for the dates or details of an event, the Companion offers a history of ideas. It distinguishes itself from conventional encylcopedias by featuring several hundred thematic articles. A chronological account of immigration, for example, is complemented by a conceptual article on ethnicity. Similarly, the Bull Moose party and the Know-Nothings, examined in individual entries, are also placed within a larger context in an article on third parties in American politics. And readers consulting entries on specific religious groups, leaders, and movements will be led to an article offering an overview of religion in America. Linking discrete facts, dates, and events through its interpretive essays, the Reader's Companion presents the overarching themes and ideas that have animated our historical landscape. Over the past twenty years, the study of history has undergone a metamorphosis. Political history, once the primary avenue for exploring the past, has given way to the "new social history." Focus has shifted from key events and leaders to everyday life in America, including the history of the family, women and the work force, race relations, and community life. The Reader's Companion to American History reflects this broader vision of our past. Interweaving traditional political and economic topics with the spectrum of America's social and cultural legacies -- everything from marriage to medicine, crime to baseball, fashion to literature -- the Companion is certain to engage the curiosity, interests, and passions of every reader. Distributed by Syndetic Solutions, Inc.

  • Reader's guide to American history [HIL-REF E178 .R42 1997]

    There are so many books on so many aspects of the history of the United States, offering such a wide variety of interpretations, that students, teachers, scholars, and librarians often need help and advice on how to find what they want. The Reader's Guide to American History is designed to meet that need by adopting a new and constructive approach to the appreciation of this rich historiography. Each of the 600 entries on topics in political, social and economic history describes and evaluates some 6 to 12 books on the topic, providing guidance to the reader on everything from broad surveys and interpretive works to specialized monographs. The entries are devoted to events and individuals, as well as broader themes, and are written by a team of well over 200 contributors, all scholars of American history. Distributed by Syndetic Solutions, Inc.

  • Keesing's record of world events. -- [HIL-REF D410 .K4 v.54 2008]

    Textual holdings: v. 33 1987 - current.

  • Encyclopedia of U.S. labor and working-class history [multiple locations HIL-REF HD8066 .A78 2007 vols. 1-3]

    Provides a coverage of US labor history. Containing over 650 entries, this encyclopedia encompasses labor history from the colonial era.

  • HeinOnline
    HeinOnline is a comprehensive database of U.S. and international law journals, treatises, yearbooks, reports, cases, treaties, and other legal information resources. Organized into collections called “libraries,” all documents are image-based, full-text searchable PDFs. Most of HeinOnline’s libraries are searchable by citation.
  • Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
    A digital collection of current and historical maps, from the Perry-Castaneda Library at the University of Texas at Austin. The online collection features images of over 5700 maps from the Perry-Castaneda Library, as well as extensive links to other map-related sites.
    Open Access | 1896 - present
  • Encyclopedia of African American history, 1896 to the present : from the age of segregation to the twenty-first century
    Focusing on the making of African American society from the 1896 "separate but equal" ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson up to the contemporary period, this encyclopedia traces the transition from the Reconstruction Era to the age of Jim Crow, the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Migration, the Brown ruling that overturned Plessy , the Civil Rights Movement, and the ascendant influence of African-American culture on the American cultural landscape. --publisher description.
    Purchased multi-user unlimited access



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Last modified on April 19, 2024 18:17